Friday, June 24, 2011

Why don't YOU stop JUNK MAIL?????

We all hate junk mail. Have you ever thought what waste of paper it is? Waste of our trees? Did you know that you can easily stop receiving junk mail - free? Save Million Trees, Inc. Non-Profit shows you how to put a stop to junk mail, once and for good. It's easy.

100 million trees are cut yearly to make junk mail. We all waste 70 hours of our time dealing with junk mail. Our tax dollars are used to recycle and transport it - and most of it still ends up in the landfill - becoming a problem of the next generation. Is that what you want to leave your kids?

Go to and put a stop to it. It does not cost you anything, but it will save you time - and it also will help reduce pollution, deforestation, and save our tax dollars. What is there to lose? Will you miss having to throw away your daily junk? Of course not!